Springtime in Paradise

The last of March and the first of April.  It looks as if the woods might be more of an anemone wood than a bluebell wood.  Since finding the first wood anemone in early March until now, the woods have come alive with a carpet of green and white :

This picture was taken at the junction of Main Ride and Central ride, looking north.  There are even the occasional pink ones to be seen :


The bluebells are coming on and a few are in flower but the density at this stage doesn’t justify waxing lyrical.  Perhaps this is because it is so long since the wood was coppiced?

Wood Anemone

March 8 and the first wood anemone, Anemone nemorosa, in flower is spotted on the edge of the ride in Tania’s Bower.

The flowers are primitive, in that they have no petals, only the white sepals.

Green Stain Fungus

Late February and conditions are dry so the green staining of the green stain fungus, Chlorociboria aeruginascens or C. aeruginosa, stands out rather than just looking like a dark stain.  It is also a chance to try out the new close-up lens.

This piece of wood, about 200 mm long, was on Central Ride towards its southern end near Big Pond.


The badgers’ sett in Titania’s Bower is still in use if the wildcam video of a badger’s backside – or more accurately the top half of its backside, the particular animal doesn’t care about the quality of the films he or she is in – is to be believed.  Hopefully we will get some better video before too long and will then publish it.