
At the end of May we received our tripod from Tim Lloyd and of course it had to be taken for a test run …

Tripod May 25

You can see how prolific the bluebells were in the glade this year even though the flowers faded long ago.

There was much evidence of building in a new badger colony to the north of the existing one, again still along the west bank of Eastern Stream :

New Building June 2014

and nearby was a dung pit [midden or dung pit] :

Badger Midden June 2014



The badgers’ sett in Titania’s Bower is still in use if the wildcam video of a badger’s backside – or more accurately the top half of its backside, the particular animal doesn’t care about the quality of the films he or she is in – is to be believed.  Hopefully we will get some better video before too long and will then publish it.