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The Animals of Great Knelle Wood
- an Ancient Woodland in the High Weald
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The obvious animals of Great Knelle Wood are the mammals : the deer, badgers, grey squirrels and even wild boar. However, there are ponds and streams in the wood so there are certainly amphibians and perhaps some fish to go with the reptiles. Reptiles and amphibians that have been seen include Grass Snake, Common Frog and Palmate Newt. And then there are the invertebrates ....and we have kept the birds and the insects separate of course.

In early July John saw the first fawn of 2012 in Knelle Wood South :

In March 2012 the badgers finally graced us with their presence in front of the camera to celebrate the Spring Equinox just as dusk was falling :

Reynard has also been evidence at the badger sett but he clearly doesn't like the camera :

At 18:48 on October 16 2011, deer were recorded in Titania's Bower :

Last August [2011], a wild boar was recorded in Knelle Wood South :

In September 2014, a wild boar was regularly visiting Titania's Bower :

By early October 2014, the male deer were sporting antlers but why are they walking together, perhaps they are still too young to rut :

This male deer was caught on camera in Titania's Bower during March 2015. He too is with a companion on the right towards the end of the clip :